Forward Care Packages to:

PCV Monique M. Green
Apartado 98-5200
Nicoya, Guanacaste
Costa Rica

Monday, July 5, 2010

City girl

June 22, 2010
City girl
I’ve decided to rename my blog, City Girl because I am a city girl born and raised. I enjoy being lost in the crowds. I really have nothing else to say besides. I have a meeting with the Junta contra violencia at 2:30pm and before that I have an appointment with the Área de Salud at 1pm to get some data on my barrio population divided by regions, gender, and possibly ages. I would like to enter it into my CAT. During the mornings, I walk around introducing myself as the new volunteer in the area. It is an awkward experience as well as awkward conversation to initiate. After all, you are interrupting whatever it was that they were doing before you showed up. Most folks are pretty receptive and are kind enough to open their doors and willingly invite you in for a cafecito or tecito. I do not like coffee so I jokingly say tecitio, they laugh because it is rare to say although they love their ticoism, and technically it is correct to say, but it is rarely used because most folks enjoy their Costa Rican cafecito. They are so proud of it too and when you say you don’t drink coffee, they are kind of shocked. If someone else is in the house they are quick to point out that you do not drink coffee and so it continues. So, I start saying I will have a tecito to lighten up the mood. I do not mention, I would prefer green team instead I take the manzanilla tea, as it is the chosen brand of flavor amongst most ticos. The good things is people generally remember me because I am the only person they know who doesn’t drink coffee. So I guess, that counts toward my intergration process, right? Jackpot, 100 points for me!!!!
Anyway, I do my rounds in the mornings, but I am considering switching my schedule to the late afternoons, as most folks who are home at that time are cleaning and preparing lunch, so I pretty much interrupt their flow. It is just I would rather do it in the morning when the weather is more fresquito.

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